The science of physical activity is the sixth of ten topics within the project “Listen first” of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which is implemented in cooperation with the Office for Combating Drugs of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and representatives of government agencies and organizations at the central as well as at the local level, the authorities that deal with the problem of drug abuse within their competence.
In order to make the positive effects of the global campaign available to professionals and the general public, UN experts created animated videos and educational materials in order to raise awareness of parents, teachers, policy makers about the importance of proper upbringing of the child. Materials of the project “Listen first” – animated videos and educational materials-pamphlets, are available in English, Spanish, French and Serbian.
Physical activity stimulates cognitive growth and development of brain cells, improves memory and enables children to achieve better success in school.
Physical activity stimulates the release of the hormones dopamine and endorphins, which, in addition to being natural analgesics, create a feeling of well-being and reduce the risk of depression.