A Workshop “Drug Trafficking in Europe: methodology issues related to real sources and flows for data collection and knowledge generating” was held in Milan on 4th of April 2019, which was attended by the representative of the Office for Combating Drugs of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The Workshop was organized by the Research Centre on Security and Crime (RiSSC) with the financial support of the European Commission, and on the occasion of presenting results of the project “NARCO-MAP: Improving knowledge on new psychotropic substances and opiates trafficking in Europe” This project started in 2017, and final conference twhere the results of the project will be presented, will be held on 16th of April om Vilnius in Lithuania. Criminalistics and Police Studies University from Belgrade took part in the project.  Research results of the confiscated drug at Malpensa Airport in Milan were presented, and which will be available after the projects finalization, as well as a national survey as a reporting method on new phenomena on drug market.