With the aim of achieving activities within its competencies, representatives of the Office for Combating Drugs of the Republic of Serbia initiated on 05/04/2017 a meeting with representatives of the organization “The Youth Initiative”, having in mind that drugs problem affect mostly the young population. The meeting was held in the premises of the Office and with the UNODC Youth Ambassador, Radmila Doder.

On that occasion, representatives of the Office presented Office activities, as well as plans for implementation of the respective activities. Representative of the “Youth Initiative” presented, also, the work of her organization, with special attention on the help and support that they receive from the UNODC. “Imitative” is active through various tribunes and promotions of healthy life, as well as through participation in creation of expert literature dealing with the topic of drugs and drug abuse. So far, they have had several international campaigns lead by the UNODC auspices. Education was, most often, organized at primary schools, in partnership with the UNODC “Global Youth Initiative”. One of the successful activities is implementation of the program “Prevention among Youth”.

Since a mutual will for establishing active cooperation with the Office was shown, it was agreed to carry out the analysis of possible cooperation by identifying the areas and methods for joint activities, and scheduling of a new meeting in the shortest possible notice was agreed, in order to identify guidelines for further activities.